Date digitzed element

Revision as of 19:01, 27 March 2019 by Erastovich (talk | contribs) (Guidelines for Creation of Content)
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Contact Emily with your questions about indexing this element

Date Digitized Element Indexing Instructions


Date digitized:

Element Description

The date digitized element refers to the date the photograph was digitized. The color photos in our set (2009 season) were born digital, but the black & white photos (1975 season) were taken in 1975, and later digitized.





Guidelines for Creation of Content

In entering the date for each photograph, we will follow ISO 8601. The date will be formatted yyy-mm-dd. In order to find the proper digitization date for each image:

  • In Omeka, click on the thumbnail of the photograph in question. Additionally, if the photograph does not pop up on the new page, you may need to click the file name under "Media" on the right-hand side.
  • Along the right-hand side of the screen, you will see some technical metadata. Scroll down until you see the "File Derivatives" list.
  • Click on "original."
  • Right-click and click "Save Image As" and save it to your computer.

Mac Users

Open the Finder and switch to the Column View. Select the photograph and a thumbnail and metadata will pop up in a column to the right. "Content created" date is the date of digitization, and that is the date to put in "date digitized" in Omeka. You can also open the photo in "Preview," and go to Tools > Show Inspector. Click the small "i" icon, and click "TIFF." The "date time" information is the date the photograph was digitized.

PC Users

Right-click the photograph saved to your computer and click "Properties" at the bottom of the menu. Go to the "Details" tab. Under "Origin," there will be metadata for "Date Taken." This is the date to enter into Omeka for "date digitized."



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