Temporal coverage element

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Revision as of 20:03, 4 April 2019 by Rgrantham1 (talk | contribs) (Guidelines for Creation of Content)
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Element Description

This element will define the football season.





Guidelines for Creation of Content

The season is defined as the year in the fall beginning each football season.

Choose the season from the drop down menu from the Metadata Course 2019 template. The games are listed under the correct season below, with examples of file names for reference.

1975 Season

75_Auburn_(3 digit number) 75_Clemson_(3 digit number) 75_Mississippi_(3 digit number) 75_Missouri_(3 digit number) 75_Penn_State_(3 digit number) 75_Southern_Mississippi_(3 digit number) 75_Tennessee_(3 digit number) 75_Texas_Christian_University_(3 digit number)

2009 Season

MFB_Texas09_CJ(5 digit number) MFB_Texas09_KG(5 digit number)


2018 Season


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