Creator element

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This property is ready for indexing! Contact Melissa S. with your questions about indexing this element

Complete These Sections of your Element's Indexing Instructions



Element Description

The creator element refers to the photographer (creator of the image).


Yes. If no photographer is listed in the image metadata, please use the term "Unknown" in place of the photographer name.



Guidelines for Creation of Content

To find the photographer for each image, you will need to download the image to your personal device from Omeka S.

Click on the thumbnail of one of your assigned images. In the right-side panel, click the file name under “Media.” On the next screen, you will see another right-side panel. Scroll and click on “Original” under “File Derivatives.” Right-click the image and save it to your computer (don’t forget to rename your image).

Finding image metadata

PC Users

Find the image on your computer. Right-click and select “Properties.” Under the “Details” tab, find the “Origins” heading and look for a name listed beside “Author.” This is the name you will enter into the Creator element.

Mac Users

You will use Mac’s built-in Preview app to view the metadata of your downloaded images. Navigate to the image you want in Finder. Right-click and select “Open with Preview.” Once open, click the “Tools” from the menu bar, then choose “Show Inspector.” Click the IPTC tab to find the name listed beside “Creator.” This is the name you will enter into the Creator element.

Listing the Creator Element

Enter the photographer name into the Creator element by surname followed by first name, separated by a comma.


This is how the photographer name should be listed:

  • Schultz, Melissa
  • Poe, Edgar Allen
  • Tolkien, J.R.R.
  • Martin, George R.R.


The reason that the Creator element is required (even if the photographer is unknown) is so that the client has the ability to search and see how many photographs in the collection have no known photographer vs. those that do have a known photographer.

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