Subject element

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This property is ready for indexing Contact Carol and Ben with your questions about indexing this element

Complete These Sections of your Element's Indexing Instructions



Element Description

The topic of the resource. The actions, events and/or entities depicted in the image.





Guidelines for Creation of Content

  • Subject headings should be selected from the provided drop-down menu.
  • Indexers should choose the most specific subject heading(s) possible. If a subject heading is needed that is not listed in the vocabulary, the indexer can contact Carol Vinzant or Ben Steck. We will contact the indexer when the appropriate heading has been added to the vocabulary.
  • Indexers who need help understanding image content within the context of the sport of football should consult other group members who have more expertise in the subject area. The Notes section below contains links to glossaries of football terminology.

  • Steps to follow for indexing:
    1. Select one heading for each university team playing in the game depicted in the photo.
    2. Examine the photo to determine which team has possession of the football and assign a subject heading for possession. If it is not clear which player/team has possession, such as in a photo where the ball is not visible, this heading may be left out.
    3. Add one or more subject headings as needed to express the event(s) or action(s) occurring in the photo.


    • Following are some sample subject headings. Item numbers correspond to the steps listed above.
    1. Team names: University of Alabama, University of Texas
    2. Who is in possession of the football: Possession--University of Alabama
    3. Subject term(s) that convey what is taking place in the image: Kick--Field Goal, Running Play, Touchdown, etc.


    For further definitions of football terminology please look here:

    Please email us with any additional questions. Carol Vinzant or Ben Steck

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